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 Honoring our Origins 


As the primary organ to develop, the heart shares an organic intelligence that guides and harmonizes our growth, expansion and potential.  

 Perhaps there is a fine-line between our guide and God 

Pure service in vitality, the heart is a sacred, spiraling vortex of pure energy.

Formed into function by the higher power and alchemy that animates all existence, our heart's inner rhythms guide our growth and greatness.

 Heart is Home and the Harmony Within 

 Our heart is a compass of compassionate choice. 

Consciously cultivating this internal wisdom shapes our process into who we want to become and how to create our dreams into being.


Heartlogic   Welcome Home

An open, trusting heart is a refined tool of perception.

Science now supports the importance and influence of the heart to synchronize the mind and body (rather than vice versa), and has also proven the heart's energy field to be more than 60x (!!) larger than that of the brain in EEG comparative studies.   Read More:  HeartMath Institute

When we invite ourself to explore, embrace and embody the unique truth of our heart and innermost intuitive nature, we align with our authentic, effervescent joy and a deep sense of purposeful fulfillment.

As we open to the power of our personal choices, our experiences guide our self-growth into new possibilities.

We apply our intellect to inspire inner harmony and align a higher power within. As we harmonize our heartrhythms, our thoughts, feelings, and actions synchronize with universal purpose through personal experiences.

We consciously evolve and awaken to a 'feeling' mind and a 'thinking' heart, unifying our heart and intuitive mind to harness, explore and empower our unlimited potential on the path of pure joy and creative celebration.




In Vitality Lives Victory

In this journey of self-growth, an idea invited itself deep within .. To live life more alive by doing more of what we love



Everything we share with others is a way to appreciate different aspects of ourself.  Our lessons guide us to better know ourselves and empower decisions to align our purest passions with our most purposeful priorities.

Perhaps true intelligence implies our ability to live harmoniously with all. Inter-connected and inter-dependent; We breath the same air, we share the same water, and we dream the same dreams.

Is humanity the vehicle of collaborative consciousness to create Heaven on Earth through our heart-centered Happiness ?

Heartlogic  heart is home and the harmony within

The Free Heart

 I am loved and loveable. 

 I am gentle with myself and my heart as we learn lessons and experience Life in the easiest, most loving way possible. 

 I am healed and whole, blessed and True always in all ways. 

 Amen, Aleluia and So it is! 


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