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Permaculture of the Soul

 Growing Greater Dreams 

 The same creative intellect, critical visioning and collaborative design and decision-making processes that are applied through organic agriculture and harmonious homesteading can be applied to grow our greatest dreams. 

 Permaculture is the applied philosophy of conscious co-creation that harmonizes natural laws and tendencies with our highest human potential, transforming possibility into practice and reconciling contrasts as constructive compliments. 

 " Permaculture asks us to think in terms of solutions rather than problems, and perhaps paradoxically it seems that the more we focus our positive energies and time on the things in our lives that we can affect directly, the greater and wider our ´circles of influence´ actually become, expanding outwards and creating opportunities to make ever bigger changes ..."   Quoted from 'Towards An Ecology of the Self' by Graham Burnett 

Learning Lessons and Experiencing LifeIn the easiest and most loving ways possible


Dear Dreamer,


As we consciously remember and receive the messages from meditation and our dreams, we welcome creative collaboration with the Universe to live them passionately and purposefully awake as life most alive. 


Happiness; True, real, deep and dependable .. 

What is Truly True ?



Heartlogic is Response-ability.  We are more than our actions, we are more than our thoughts, we are more than our intentions. We elevate all through example; We are the love that we share ..  

Life is pure experience; Do we truly know what feels good and how to learn our lessons in the easiest and most loving ways possible ?

Inter-connected and inter-dependent, we grow this Garden of Life. We are co-creators; We are far more powerful than we can imagine. 


Creative collaboration is the catalyst to compassionately explore a new way, a True way.  


Life is an autobiography of choice

Each decision shapes our destiny 


Feeling good feels great.  Listening to our heart, we are connected with the source of all vitality and the Voice of Spirit; We apply this expanded intelligence through healthy and harmonized choices.  

Perhaps the truest essence of empowered happiness is our ability to align our most purposeful passions with our personal choices. 

We each create our Book of Life through our choices; We honor and celebrate the sacred responsibility to shepherd authentic self-growth.


Complimentary perspectives unite to create dynamic solutions. Our highest purpose and greater human potential is the promise of the curiosity we each choose to consciously cultivate.



Loving, loved and loveable; New perspectives invite new experiences --

Are you truly clear with that which you seek ?



Could compassionate curiosity invite new opportunities in co-creation ?

Perhaps we think we know what is important in life and love, but when 

we consciously decide to embrace the unknown we begin to open ourselves to new possibilities.


Free your heart, live your dreams.


In Partnership, Friendship and Purpose, 







In humility to the Source of All Creation and highest intelligence that blesses us with life and vitality, Thank You

Appreciation opens the door to gratitude;

Our first opportunity is the choice to see it



Jeffrey believes in the power of dreams and our role as active dreamers to collaboratively create a higher destiny for all humanity, together.  


The mission of Truth in Dreams is to celebrate a collaborative awakening of humanity by consciously sharing powerful self-growth and sustainable lifestyle practices, aligning our individual desires for true happiness.  


As we each live our authentic example to life, we align with the greater, collective dream to raise awareness and revolutionize current living standards, lifestyle quality and health freedom through empowered responsibility.

Following over 10-years as a high-performing Finance Manager for one of the world's largest blue-chip companies, Jeffrey set-off on a journey to discover his destiny in the Spring of 2012 with a 2,500km+ walking meditation across Europe with his guide and guru, Chiba Sunshine.  

Since that fateful decision to explore the unknown, Jeffrey has become a Certified Permaculture Designer, Holistic Therapist and Ascension Coach as well as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher with a greater vision to elevate all through higher Service.  

Jeffrey's dynamic and deep skill set (Corporate finance and accounting including management of dynamic and multi-functional teams and incentive structures, Permaculture design and sustainable community creation, Alternative and energetic healing and self-awareness) offer a unique opportunity to collaboratively realize a higher destiny and dream for all humanity:  To live our most purposeful passions and truest love to life. 

As a Certified Permaculture Designer, Jeffrey and his family are cultivating and creating ´The Example´, a permaculture-based paradise of curative plants, herbs, flowers and superfoods, honoring the indigenous cultures of the Americas through regenerative agriculture/lifestyle practices. is the vehicle and catalyst to plant, share and celebrate our dream for higher heart harmony with the greater web of consciousness, thriving together with Mother Earth and responsibly co-creating together in Oneness.


* Members of The FREE Forum can participate virtually in the creation of a practical (open-source) permaculture-based platform to invite wholeness and harmony in heart and the homestead.  Be free in your happiness!



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FREE, A Journey of the Heart (Multi-media eBook)


If each thought is a seed of possibility, how can we best  celebrate and cultivate all that we are creating together ?

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