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All-Access Awareness

The FREE Forum

A contribution-based catalyst for self-growth and personal transformation


What is Truly True for you ?





As we ask the question of what Life really means to us, we begin to appreciate that it can be an experience that is so much more than we ever thought, dreamed or imagined. 

Perhaps our happiness is largely related to our ability to explore (and express) our inner feelings to create clarity with what truly feels good.

Exploring New Conversations to Cultivate New Perspectives and Higher Awareness

Learning a new language invites new perspectives, diverse rhythms and rhymes that shape complimentary foundations for logic and reason.


New cultural contexts help us to challenge our (pre-) concepts and connect with the essence of what our words  (and the life experiences they represent ..) really mean to us.

The FREE Forum is a vehicle to create more meaning in life for each of us and all humanity, sharing complimentary perspectives, philosophies and practices that can align our purest passions with our truest purpose.





True Happiness is a Universal birthright, and The FREE Forum is a vehicle to share a new way, a true way.  

“Your past learning must have taught you the wrong things simply because it has not made you happy. On this basis alone, its value should be questioned.”

- Quoted from "A Course in Miracles"


We all want to be happy, but sometimes we may depend on external motivations or feel powerless to create true happiness within. In this context, our happiness is synonymous with fulfillment, aligning our purpose and passions to live a life we truly love: Freedom.



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